
Yale Alumni in Energy (YAE) was formed in 2008 as a forum for Yale alumni sharing a common interest in energy. YAE membership is open to Yale students, faculty, and alumni around the world, providing access to an annual conference, an active blog, and other member-driven events.

Mission Statement

Strengthen relationships and community:

  • Facilitate relationship-building among Yale alumni in energy fields

  • Create a community for the sharing of ideas and business opportunities

Provide energy-industry education and intellectual resources:

  • Create an active presence on and off campus, and foster intellectual discourse through social events, lectures, conferences, and panel discussions

  • Provide mentoring and career guidance for students and alumni

Serve as an energy-industry resource for Yale and its constituents.

For more information about Yale Alumni in Energy, please contact Ed Hirs (edhirs@aol.com).

Steering Committee

Robert Ames ’03 MBA

John Bodt ’01 MBA

Anthony Corridore ’03 MBA

Thomas Emmons ’69

Daniel Fisher ’04 MSL

Joseph Greenberg ’83

Edward Hirs ’79, ’79 M.A.,’81 MBA

Heidi Livingston ’97 MBA

Wesley Johnson ’09 MBA

Robert Krystyniak ’79

Deepak Jeevan Kumar ’10 SOM

David T. Lawrence ‘84 PhD

Timothy Merrill ’65

Howard Newman ’69, ’69 M.A.

Michael Oristaglio ‘74,’74 M.S.

Mothusi Pahl ‘07 MBA

Vinod Pathrose ’08 MBA

Barbara Jo Pease ’82 MBA

Daniel Pullman ’80,’87 MBA

William Schnoor ’80, ’83 J.D.

Maria Seidler ’07 MEM

Richard Swett ’79

Richard Tavelli ’79 MPPM

Barbara Tyran ‘79 MPPM

David Vogel ’71

Thomas Weil ’70